Warmley Park School and College Uniform
No uniform, but practical and comfortable clothes that are easy to put on/ off, for example, trousers with elasticated waist, hoodies with a zip, shoes with Velcro.
Outdoor activities; waterproofs and wellies.
Early Years and Primary Uniform
Royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
Light blue or white polo shirt
Black or grey trousers, skirt, jogging bottoms or shorts
Black shoes
Physical Education; black shorts, T-shirt, trainers for outdoors, back daps for indoors.
Secondary Uniform
Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
Navy blue or white polo shirt
Black or grey trousers, skirt, jogging bottoms or shorts
Black shoes
Physical Education; black shorts, T-shirt, trainers for outdoors, black daps for indoors.
No uniform, but clothes need to be suitable for practical learning and outdoor activities.
Purchasing the School Uniform
If you are looking for a school uniform with the Warmley Park School logo, we recommend purchasing it from MyClothing. The link to purchase the uniform is below.
Warmley Park School Uniform (Primary School)
Warmley Park School Uniform (Secondary School)
Buying from MyClothing means that 5% of the money used for the purchase will be donated to the school, helping raise valuable funds for the school.